We invite you to bring A SINNER IN MECCA and PROJECT 786 into your community. We are excited about both our screening and speaking tours.

Here is some brief background:

Parvez is a veteran of speaking tours, with his previous film A JIHAD FOR LOVE. He has been a featured speaker at more than 40 college campuses in the US, which include Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Harvard, Syracuse, Northwestern and the University of Chicago. He has been most proud of what he calls his “Bible Belt Tour” across the southern states in the US speaking directly to issues around LGBT rights (or the lack thereof) within conservative Muslim and Christian communities. He is also a leading commentator on Islamic, racial and political issues, with his writings appearing on The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, The Guardian (Online), CNN-IBN (India) and other popular websites. He conducted hundreds of live events, turning screening spaces into town halls, across the world. A JIHAD FOR LOVE is also being used to teach various Islam, Sexuality and Human Rights/Immigration syllabi at a wide range of prestigious college campuses across North America, Europe, the Indian sub-continent and South East Asia.

Bring A SINNER IN MECCA to your campus or your community to create challenging, provocative but critical debate on Islam, on its minorities including LGBT Muslims and on its crisis ridden present in the 21st century.

BOOK PARVEZ and A SINNER IN MECCA for your campus or for your community. Contact our agent, The Lavin Agency directly to book an event now!